Apex Predators 2: The Spawning
Blood Curse: The Haunting of Alicia Stone
Big Bad CGI Monsters
Mega Ape
The Horror We Make
The Beast Beneath
Demonoids from Hell
Closet Monster
Cocaine Cougar
Book of Creatures
Mondo Shock IV: America Blood & Guts
The Creeps 2
Demon Predator
Dirty D: The Hit Mix
VHS Love: Cult Cinema Obsession
Queen Bre and MC Dirty D: Shake It Right
Amityville in the Hood
Doll Killer 2
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!
Faces of Dying IV
VHS Violence
Apex Predators
Not for the Faint of Heart
Dirty D: Last Minute Freestyle
MC Dirty D: Most Hated
Microbudget Marauders Too
Angry Asian Murder Hornets
Axed To Pieces
5G Zombies
Tales for the Campfire 3
Dirty D: Bizness!
VHS Nasty
Meathook Massacre: The Final Chapter
Dirty D: Jelly
Dirty D: Nasty
VHS Lives 2: Undead Format
Camp Blood 4
Welcome To My Bass
The Darkside Of Dance
Occult Holocaust
Horror Movie Workout
Bootleg Death Tape
Silly Scaries 2
Escape To Black Tree Forest
Sharks N Da Hood