All Episode in Specials
Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Sōta Takanashi works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Popura Taneshima, a high school girl who—despite being a year older than Sōta—is easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Kyoko Shirafuji, the 28-year-old store manager who does not bother to do any work at all.
First Release: Apr 04, 2010
Duration: 24m
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Country: Japan
Episodes: 7
Actors: Eri Kitamura, Saki Fujita, Jun Fukuyama, Kana Asumi, Jouji Nakata, Daisuke Ono, Hiroshi Kamiya, Yoko Hikasa, Ryoko Shiraishi, Shizuka Itoh
IMDb: 8.2/10